Supervisor: Sabrina Gualtieri

The optical microscope in reflected light is a useful tool to a first approach to the material. It is equipped with a video-camera or a digital camera in order to realize photographs at different enlargements and conditions.

The light beam hits the surface of the sample permitting to observe the morphology and the composition changes.
It means that bubbles, defects, inclusions, dimensions and shape of grains provide to a first selection of investigated materials. The changes in the composition help to verify the presence of stratifications and degradation forms.

All the acquired information participates to define a more precise and detailed plan of intervention.

Reflected light stereo microscope, SZX9 OLYMPUS
• Two adjustable eyepieces (binoculars)
• Magnification:12-114X
• Adjustable stage

The SZX9 can also be equipped with a video-camera NIKONDSFi2 for high-resolution imaging and research documentation.

a) Stereo microscope SZX9 by Olympus; b) Stratification of Roman ceramics (bottom-top: gloss+engobe+paste)