March 14th, 2012 – Dr. Gian Nicola Babini died on Sunday afternoon, March 11, 2012, after three years of terrible disease, lived with courage and mettle that all of us recognized in him. He has been Director of ISTEC-CNR, in Faenza from 1985 to 2008.


He pursued the growth and the development of the Institute, since 1976 when he was a researcher. He became personally involved in and promoting the growth of a small research group on ceramics, till the current relevant Institute: a structure with two sites (Faenza and Turin) and 60 people.

He led many initiatives at domestic and international level, in view to to strengthen the prestige, visibility and scientific image of ISTEC-CNR.

At domestic level he was a promoter of initiatives which resulted in the creation of the Agency for Ceramics, the settlement of the ENEA Laboratories, just inside its premises  ISTEC hosted the Degree in Chemistry and Technology of Ceramic Materials. He planned and pursued the implementation of a Science Park on Ceramic Materials: new buildings adjacent to ISTEC premises, dedicated to incubators and technology transfer structures, are testament to the vision and strategic skills of Dr. Babini, in realizing a project that ought to represent a symbol for innovation and economic development for the city of Faenza and at  National level.

Dr. Babini always participated in initiatives and projects related to  R&D,  promoted by the National Research Council of Italy, several Ministries several Regions, in particular Emilia Romagna and Piedmont District.

His international activities have constantly favoured the broadest cooperation: he served as President of the European Ceramic Society for two terms, organizing a Congress of ECerS and several events. He favoured the enlargement of the European Ceramic Society to 25 Countries. Later he was appointed President of the ICF (International  Ceramic Federation) and he promoted and organized the 2nd Congress of  the ICF in 2008, just a few months before his retirement from CNR.  He was a promoter of many international agreements, among them worthy  of note, the creation of a Joint Institute ISTEC-Kyoto Institute of  Technology, several  agreements with China, the United States, Indonesia,  Vietnam, Brazil, to name a few.

For us at ISTEC-CNR, Dr. Gian Nicola Babini is, and will remain, an example to follow, regarding his teaching and all what he has left us.

In spite of the relevance of the roles he covered during his life and the resounding titles he received  he maintained the enthusiasm to communicate with  young researchers and the ability to transfer them the love for knowledge as well as the energy for creating new ambits where material science could impact on  any aspect  of society progress.

Certainly it can be said that his mark will remain engraved forever in the things he built  and in all the people who had the privilege to meet him.
ISTEC never forget him and  his master spirit will be able to reach the new generation of researchers  coming to the Ceramic Materials Science.