
May 14-15, 2015 – Faenza (Italy) CERAMICS FOR ENERGY – CEn 2015 will be held in Faenza on 14th and 15thMay 2015

Location: International Museum of Ceramics (MIC), Viale Baccarini n. 19 – 48018 Faenza (RA) – Italy

Official language: English.

CEn 2015 aims to provide an unique platform (combining the academic, private and industrial research entities) to discuss new results and ideas concerning materials used in the different technologies that other than guarantee the transition towards a low carbon society, contribute to increase efficiency at all stages of the energy chain: generation, transformation, distribution and final consumption.

The workshop includes three main Scientific Sessions that welcomes original contributions on a wide range of subjects related to:

• Energy Production;
• Energy Storage;
• Energy Saving and Efficiency.

Special Session entitled “Product, Processes and Systems for Energy Application” will be dedicated to Companies.

Keynote lectures and Invited contributions will be given by experts to introduce the general topics and discuss new results and ideas about the energy technologies considered.

Abstract submission on the innovative energy application of ceramic materials are very welcome.

Research posters will be displayed and discussed during the Workshop.

Comitato organizzativo:Paola Pinasco, Angela Gondolini

Dowload the Final program