EUCERMAT Project: First Dissemination Event (EUropean CERamic MATerials)


20.06.2016: CNR ISTEC organizes the First Dissemination Event of the EUropean CERamic MATerials project.

EUCERMAT Project – First Dissemination Event

EUropean CERamic MATerials
an ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership

20 GIUGNO 2016 ore 9.00 – 18.00
c/o Sala Conferenze Centuria
Via Granarolo, 62 – 48018 Faenza (RA)

The aim of the European Ceramic Materials (EUCERMAT) project is to significantly contribute to changing the general opinion about ceramic materials in Europe by implementing

  • new modern ways of teaching ceramic science and technology in the European universities,
  • strongly correlated research projects between universities and industries,
  • innovative ways of communication towards the general public and the high schools.

The event aims at sharing and disseminating the first outcomes of the first year of the project. With that aim, we shall present:

  • an introduction to blended learning methodologies and e-learning tools,
  • how to re-design or design teaching units for blended delivery,
  • blended mobility modules on innovative ceramic materials and technologies,
  • perspectives, implementation and first results of the EUCERMAT Industrial Network,
  • initial ideas for the creation of an European Joint Master on ceramic science and technology.

We believe that the contents of this meeting will be of interest for universities, enterprises and research centres involved in ceramic activities. During this meeting, the project will be presented in detail and R&D leaders of big companies, as well as relevant well known academic speakers, from across Europe and beyond, will give talks, and share good practices and their expertise in the field of Ceramic Materials.

The EUCERMAT partnership hopes to see you during this assembly

Attendance is free of charge upon registration by 14th June.

To register and download the event agenda click here.