Bulk ceramics through dual composite architectures

Principal investigator: Frédéric Monteverde

Involved personnel: Simone Failla, Cesare Melandri, Daniele Dalle Fabbriche

Premature failure of ceramics can occur quickly.

To fix this limit, research activities develop innovative techniques able to control the microstructure with high-performance composite multi-scale architectures for high temperature structural uses in severely oxidizing atmospheres.

These multiscale architectures aim at maintaining simultaneously strength and fracture toughness. The ambition is to found a new paradigm for structural ceramic composites with superior performances at high temperature, whereas the current solutions can be successfully exploited only at ambient temperature.

Microstructure-process-property correlations of such ultra-refractory ceramic composites are deeply investigated, but the new concept is applicable to other combinations of ceramic composites for which in general is desired a significant increase in high temperature fracture resistance once combined with other highly refractory reinforcing phases.


Publications & Patents

  • F. Monteverde, C. Melandri, S. Failla, R.J Grohsmeyer, G.E Hilmas, W.G. Fahrenholtz, Escape from the strength-to-toughness paradox: Bulk ceramics through dual composite architectures, J. of the Europ. Ceram. Soc. 38(8), 2961-2970 (2018)
  • F. Monteverde, R.J. Grohsmeyer, A.D. Stanfield, G.E. Hilmas, W.G. Fahrenholtz, Densification behavior of ZrB2-MoSi2 ceramics: The formation and evolution of core-shell solid solution structures, J. of Alloys and Compounds 779, 950-961 (2019)
  • R.J Grohsmeyer, L. Silvestroni, G.E. Hilmas, F.Monteverde, W. Fahrenholtz, A. D’Angió, D. Sciti , ZrB2-MoSi2 ceramics: A comprehensive overview of microstructure and properties relationships. Part I: Processing and microstructure, J. of the Europ. Ceram. Soc. 39 (6), 1939-1947 (2019)
  • R.J Grohsmeyer, L. Silvestroni, G.E. Hilmas, F.Monteverde, W.G. Fahrenholtz, A. D’Angió, D. Sciti ZrB2-MoSi2 ceramics: A comprehensive overview of microstructure and properties relationships. Part II: Mechanical properties, J. of the Europ. Ceram. Soc. 39(6) 1948-1954 (2019)