Supervisor : Nicola Sangiorgi, Felice Carlo Simeone

The electrochemical working station is able to perform a wide range of electrochemical experiments. Moreover, photo-electrochemical measurements can be done using the dedicated optical bench.

Main characterizations

General electrochemical analyses controlling currents and potentials, electrochemical impedance methods with mathematical and graphical data elaborations, photo-electrochemical measurements with optical bench (IMVS and IMPS tests). Availability of electrode and probe for pH and temperature determination respectively. Dedicated module for fast ramp signal generator to perform specific analyses.

Working mechanism

Different experimental set-up in potentiostatic/galvanostatic mode controlling both current and potential applied with possibility to use modulate signal (impedance) for different electrochemical and photo-electrochemical characterizations.

Potentiostat/galvanostat with impedance analyzer PGSTAT302N+FRA32M and optical bench (Metrohm, Autolab)

• maximum current of ± 2 A and a compliance voltage of ± 30 V
• acquisition card and a fast ramp generator linear analog up to 250KV/second
• FRA system (frequencies between 1MHz and 10μHz in potentiostatic/galvanostatic mode and 30MHz on inputs/outputs)
• Availability of electrode for pH measurement and a probe for temperature control
• optical bench with a support for a photodiode detector and sample holder. Seven different interchangeable LED for different wavelengths (red, orange, amber, green, cyan, blue)
• Availability of different working and reference electrodes

A boosted-up version of the AUTOLAB unit is also available, employing the Metrohm AUTOLAB 20 A current booster, allowing high power electrochemical three-electrode or two-electrode measurements to be carried out, at cell currents up to 20 A and cell voltages up to 20 V.

Images of optical bench