WORKSHOP Geopolymer for Environmental Remediation, Call for Posters

February 14th 2025, Faenza, Italy-  Call for Posters


The aim of the workshop is to review the key results of the research in the design and development of environmentally friendly geopolymer based adsorbents as a stimulating approach to contribute towards cleaner production.

Keynote lectures will be given by experts on depolluting techniques, while invited talks will examine the innovative use of geopolymers as filters,  membranes and sorbents, as well as the tailoring of compositions and textural properties.

We are welcoming the abstract submission for posters about the synthesis of geopolymers and their use for environmental remediation, as well abstracts regarding researches on novel adsorbent materials. The poster session will be preceded by the poster pitch session and the Best Poster Award will be awarded at the end of the workshop.

The workshop is carried out as part of the MUR PRIN 2022 project GEA-GEopolymer based Adsorbents for effective adsorption and selective separation of CO2 and eutrophication pollutants (grant No 20229THRM2) funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU.

The workshop is organized by the Institute of Science, Technology and Sustainability for Ceramics (CNR-ISSMC) and the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering – DICAM of the University of Bologna. The Workshop is in the frame of the one-day-meeting organized since 2008 by the Group of Study on Geopolymers of the Italian Ceramic Society.



Valentina Medri
Francesco Miccio
Elettra Papa

Dario Frascari
Matteo Minelli
Davide Pinelli
DICAM-Università di Bologna, Italia

Angelo Vaccari
Università degli Studi di Bologna “Toso Montanari”.


Participation is free of charge, registration is mandatory before January 15th. For info, registration and poster submission: Valentina Medri,; Tel + 39 0546699751.

Download the flyer and the abstract template