EUCERMAT PROJECT: Final dissemination event

23.05.2018: EUCERMAT: a bridge between education, research and industry in the field of ceramic sciences.

EUCERMAT Project – Final Dissemination Event

EUropean CERamic MATerials
an ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership

23 MAY 2018 – 9.00 – 14.00
Représentation de la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine à Bruxelles
21, rue Montoyer – 1000 Brussels (Belgium)

The event aims at sharing and disseminating the final outcomes of the project:

•       Good practices to promote ceramic sciences in Europe
•       Implementation of a common Master programme in blended mobility : How to design or re-design teaching units for blended delivery? How to implement a common module in Master Degree?
•       Strengthening of the knowledge triangle in the field of ceramic science: Creation of a dedicated Industrial Network gathering universities, research institute and companies across Europe; Elaboration of a chart giving the general terms and conditions of functioning of the network; Implementation of tutored projects of research for students organised between companies and universities.
•       New roadmap of emerging industry requirements in ceramics science.

During this meeting, the project’s outputs will be presented in detail. The contents of this meeting will be of interest for universities, enterprises and research centres involved in ceramic activities as well as in other fields of science. Beside, relevant well known speakers in the field from across Europe will give talks and share good practices in their field of expertise.

The programme is available here.