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Materiali ferroelettrici, antiferroelettrici, piezoelettrici
Responsabili: Elisa Mercadelli
Personale coinvolto: Carmen Galassi, Claudio Capiani, Carlo Baldisserri, Paola Pinasco
La ricerca sui materiali perovskitici con proprietà ferroelettriche, antiferroelettriche, piezoelettriche spazia dall’ottimizzazione dell’intero processo di produzione del dipositivo (dalla sintesi delle polveri, al loro processo di formatura/sinterizzazione e successiva caratterizzazione funzionale) allo lo studio dei fenomeni fisici alla base delle loro peculiari prestazioni nell’ambito di consolidate collaborazioni nazionali e internazionali.
In questa direzione, CNR-ISTEC è un punto di riferimento a livello nazionale ed internazionale in virtù della consolidata esperienza nella produzione di componenti attivi (polarizzati) da integrare nella meccanica ed elettronica dedicata.
Composizioni in cui coesistono fasi ferroelettriche e antiferreolettriche vengono attualmente ri-scoperte per l’accumulo di energia, attuatori ad alta deformazione, effetto elettrocalorico.
Vengono sviluppati materiali e componenti piezoelettrici nei sistemi zirconato/titanato di piombo (PZT) e lantanio, (PLZT), ma soprattutto senza piombo, quali bismuto sodio bario titanato (BNBT), bario stronzio titanato (BST), potassio-sodio niobati (KNN) e bario-calcio titanati-zirconati (BCTZ) mediante sintesi allo stato solido e metodi chimici.
Vengono sviluppati componenti massivi (densi o porosi), film spessi, per applicazioni specifiche a bassa ed alta potenza in un ampio intervallo di frequenze.
Possono essere sviluppati (progettati e realizzati) prototipi di attuatori e sensori piezoelettrici massivi e multistrato, trasformatori di tensione, trasduttori.
Campi di applicazione: soppressione attiva di vibrazione, recupero di energia meccanica, acustica subacquea, dispositivi indossabili etc..
Strumenti e processi
- Sintesi delle polveri per reazione allo stato solido.
- Formatura per colaggio su nastro, serigrafia, deposizione elettroforetica.
- Consolidamento con cicli termici dedicati.
- Lavorazione meccanica.
- Deposizione elettrodi.
- Polarizzazione.
- Caratterizzazione proprietà ferroelettriche e piezoelettriche.

Principali collaborazioni
- Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi (CNR-ISC)
- University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi
- North Carolina State University and Darmstadt University of Technology
- Departamento de Materiales Ferroeléctricos (ICMM-CSIC)
Pubblicazioni e brevetti
- F. Sorgini, A. Mazzoni, L. Massari, R. Caliò, C. Galassi, S. L. Kukreja, E. Sinibaldi, M. C. Carrozza, C. M. Oddo Encapsulation of piezoelectric transducers for sensory augmentation and substitution with wearable haptic devices Micromachines 2017, 8, 270; doi:10.3390/mi8090270
- V. Ciuchi, C. C. Chung, C. M. Fancher, J. Guerrier, J. S. Forrester, J. L. Jones, L. Mitoseriu, C. Galassi “ Field-induced antiferroelectric to ferroelectric transitions in (Pb1 – xLax)(Zr0.90Ti0.10)1 – x/4O3 investigated by in situ X-ray diffraction” J Eur Ceram Soc 37, 15, (2017), 4631-4636.
- R Khachaturyan, S Zhukov, J Schultheiß, C Galassi, C Reimuth, J Koruza, H von Seggern and Y A Genenko, Polarization-switching dynamics in bulk ferroelectrics with isometric and oriented anisometric pores Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 045303 (14pp) doi:10.1088/1361-6463/aa519c
- C. Padurariu, L. Padurariu, L. Curecheriu, C. Ciomaga, N. Horchidan, C Galassi and L. Mitoseriu, Role of the pore interconnectivity on the dielectric, switching and tunability properties of PZTN ceramics Ceramics International 43, 7, pp. 5767-5773 DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.01.123 Pub: MAY 2017
- F. Gheorghiu, L. Padurariu, M. Airimioaei, L. Curecheriu, C. Ciomaga, C. Padurariu, C. Galassi, L.Mitoseriu “Porosity dependent properties of Nb-doped Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 ceramics” Journal of the American Ceramic Society – online : 24 OCT 2016, DOI: 10.1111/jace.14587 Manuscript ID JACERS-3857 Volume: 100 Issue: 2 DOI: 10.1111/jace.14587 Published: FEB 2017
- F. Cordero, F. Craciun, F. Trequattrini, P. Galizia, and C. Galassi, Elastic aging from coexistence and transformations of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric states in PZT, Journal of Applied Physics 120, 064104 (2016) DOI information:
- Craciun, Floriana; Cernea, Marin; Fruth, Victor; Zaharescu, Maria; Atkinson, Irina; Stanica, Nicolae; Tanase, Liviu; Diamandescu, Lucian; Iuga, Alin; Galassi, Carmen Novel Multiferroic (Pb1-3x/2Ndx)(Ti0.98-yFeyMn0.02)O3 Ceramics with Coexisting Ferroelectricity and Ferromagnetism at Ambient Temperature Materials and design 110, 2016, 693–704
- Cordero,F., Craciun,F., Trequattrini,F., Galassi,C .Piezoelectric softening in ferroelectrics: ferroelectric versus antiferroelectric PbZr1-xTixO3 Phys. Rev. B 93, 174111 –2016
- I.V. Ciuchi, L. Mitoseriu and C. Galassi Energy storage properties of PLZT ceramics with La compositions across FE/AFE phase boundary J. Am Ceram Soc 99 [7] 2382–2387 (2016) (submitted Dec 12, 2015, accepted, march 2016)
- Nadejda Horchidan, Cristina Elena Ciomaga, Leontin Padurariu, Raluca C Frunza, Claudio Capiani, Carmen Galassi, Liliana Mitoseriu ,A comparative study of hard/soft PZT-based ceramic composites Ceramics International 42, (7), pp. 9125-9132
- RE Stanculescu, CE Ciomaga, N Horchidan, C Galassi, FM Tufescu, L Mitoseriu, The influence of post-sintering re-oxidation treatment on dielectric response of dense and porous Ba 0.70 Sr 0.30 TiO 3 ceramics Ceramics International 42 (1) (2016), 527-536
- M.CERNEA, B.VASILE, I.-V. CIUCHI, A.IUGA, E. ALEXANDRESCU, J.PINTEA and C.GALASSI, , “Synthesis, structural and electrical properties of BNT-BTCe@SiO2 core-shell heterostructure” Science of Advanced Materials Sci. Adv. Mater. 7, 2297-2305 (2015)
- R. Stanculescu, C. E. Ciomaga, L. Padurariu, P. Galizia, N. Horchidan, C. Capiani, C. Galassi, L. Mitoseriu Study of the role of porosity on the functional properties of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 ceramics Journal of Alloys and Compounds 643 (2015) 79–87
- F. Craciun, F. Cordero, I. V. Ciuchi, L. Mitoseriu, and C. Galassi, Refining the phase diagram of Pb1-xLax(Zr0.9Ti0.1)1-x/4O3 ceramics by structural, dielectric and anelastic spectroscopy investigations
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 184103 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4921111 - F. CORDERO, F. CRACIUN, F. TREQUATTRINI, C. GALASSI Separate kinetics of the polar and antiferrodistortive order parameters in the antiferroelectric transition of PbZr1-xTixO3 and the influence of defects Archives of Metallurgy and Materials Vol. 60 2015 Issue 1 DOI: 10.1515/amm-2015-0063
- I.V. Ciuchi, F. Craciun, L. Mitoseriu, C. Galassi, Preparation and properties of La doped PZT 90/10 ceramics across the ferroelectric-antiferroelectric phase boundary Journal of Alloys and Compounds 646 (2015) 16–22 (
- L. PARDO, A. GARCÍA, K.BREBØL, E. MERCADELLI and C. GALASSI Characterization of nanostructured phases and peculiar phase transitions in BNBT lead‐free piezoceramics, “Advances in Science and Technology Trans Tech Publications, Vol. 90 (2014) pp 12‐18. ISSN:1662-8969, DOI:10.4028/
- C. E. CIOMAGA, L. P. CURECHERIU, L. PADURARIU, N. LUPU, I. LISIECKI, S. TASCU, C. GALASSI, L. MITOSERIU Using multi-walled carbon nanotubes in spark plasma sintered Pb(Zr0.47Ti0.53)O3 ceramics for tailoring dielectric and tunability properties Journal of Applied Physics 116 , 164110 (2014) ; DOI: 10.1063/1.4900527
- F. CORDERO, F. CRACIUN, M. DINESCU, N. SCARISOREANU, C. GALASSI, W. SCHRANZ, V. SOPRUNYUKD Elastic response of (1 − x)Ba(Ti0:8Zr0:2)O3 − x(Ba0:7Ca0:3)TiO3 (x = 0:45 − 0:55) and the role of the intermediate orthorhombic phase in enhancing the piezoelectric coupling Applied Physics Letters 105, 232904 (2014)
- F. CORDERO, F. TREQUATTRINI, F. CRACIUN, C. GALASSI Effects of aging and annealing on the polar and antiferrodistortive components of the antiferroelectric transition in PbZr1−xTixO3 Phys. Rev. B 89, 21 Article Number: 214102 ( 2014)
- F. CORDERO , F. CRACIUN , F. TREQUATTRINI & C. GALASSI , Effects of coupling between octahedral tilting and polar modes on the phase diagram of the ferroelectric perovskites PbZr1- x Ti x O3 and (Na1/2Bi1/2)1- x Ba x TiO3 , Phase Transitions: Volume 87, Issue 3,( 2014) 255-270
- F. CORDERO, F. CRACIUN, F. TREQUATTRINI, C. GALASSI, P.A. THOMAS, D.S. KEEBLE, and A.M. GLAZER Splitting of the transition to the antiferroelectric state in PbZr0.95Ti0.05O3 into polar and antiferrodistortive components Phys. Rev. B 88, 094107 1-6 (2013)
- F. CRACIUN AND C. GALASSI Smearing of induced ferroelectric transition and easy imprinting of different polarization configurations in relaxor ferroelectric (Na1/2BiI1/2)1-XBaXTiO3 Appl. Phys. Lett 102, 162902 (2013)
- F. CORDERO, F. TREQUATTRINI, F. CRACIUN and C. GALASSI Merging of the polar and tilt instability lines near the respective morphotropic phase boundaries of PbZr 1−x TixO3 Phys. Rev. B 87, 094108 (2013)
- L. PADURARIU, L. CURECHERIU, C. GALASSI, L. MITOSERIU, Tailoring non-linear dielectric properties by local field engineering in anisotropic porous ferroelectric structures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 252905 (2012)
- F. CRACIUN, C. GALASSI, and R. BIRJEGA Electric-Field-Induced and Spontaneous Relaxor-Ferroelectric Phase Transitions in (Na ½ Bi ½ )1-X BaXTiO3 Journal of Applied Physics J Journal of Applied Physics 112, 124106 (2012)
- F. CORDERO, F. TREQUATTRINI, F. CRACIUN and C. GALASSI Octahedral tilting, monoclinic phase and the phase diagram of PZT Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (2011) 415901
- F. CORDERO, F. CRACIUN, F. TREQUATTRINI, E. MERCADELLI and C. GALASSI Phase transitions and phase diagram of the ferroelectric perovskite (Na0.5Bi0.5)1−x BaxTiO3 by anelastic and dielectric measurements Physical Review B vol 81 [14] (2010) 144124
- CERNEA M., GALASSI C., VASILE B., GANEA P., RADU R., GHITA G. Electrical investigations of holmium-doped BaTiO3 derived from sol-gel combustion Journal of Materials Research (2010) Vol. 25, No. 6, 1057-1063
- M. DELUCA, H. FUKUMURA, N. TONARI, C. CAPIANI, N. HASUIKE, K. KISODA, C. GALASSI and H. HARIMA Raman spectroscopic study of phase transitions in undoped morphotropic PbZr 1−x TixO3 Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2011) Vol. 42, Issue 3, 488–495
- D. PIAZZA, C. GALASSI, A. BARZEGAR and D. DAMJANOVIC Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of PZT ceramics with anisotropic porosity J Electroceram (2010) 24:170–176
- L. PARDO, A. GARC´IA, K. BREBØL, E. MERCADELLI AND C. GALASSI, Piezoelectric properties of lead-free submicron-structured (Bi0.5Na0.5)0.94Ba0.06TiO3 ceramics from nanopowders Smart Mater. Struct. 19 (2010) 115007
- F. CORDERO, F. CRACIUN and C. GALASSI, Anelastic and dielectric study of the phase transformations of PbZr1-x TixO3 around the morphotropic phase boundary, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 69, pp 2172-2176 (2008).
- L. MITOSERIU, C.E. CIOMAGA, V. BUSCAGLIA, L. STOLERIU, D. PIAZZA, C. GALASSI, A. STANCU, P. NANNI Hysteresis and tunability characteristics of Ba(Zr,Ti)O3 ceramics described by First Order Reversal Curves diagrams J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 27 (2007) 3723–3726.
- F. CORDERO, F. CRACIUN, AND C. GALASSI Low-temperature phase transformations of PbZr1−x TixO3 in the morphotropic phase-boundary region Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 255701 (2007), 1-4.
- L. STOLERIU, A. STANCU, L. MITOSERIU, D. PIAZZA and C. GALASSI Analysis of switching properties of porous ferroelectric ceramics by means of first-order reversal curve diagrams Phys. Rev. B 74, 174107 (2006).
- IANCULESCU, L. MITOSERIU, D. BERGER, C.E. CIOMAGA, D. PIAZZA and C. GALASSI, Composition-dependent ferroelectric properties of Ba1-xSrxTiO3 ceramics Phase Transit Vol. 79, Nos. 6–7, June–July (2006), 375–388
- D. PIAZZA, L. STOLERIU, L. MITOSERIU, A. STANCU AND C. GALASSI Characterisation of porous PZT ceramics by first order reversal curves (FORC) diagrams J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 26 (2006) 2959–2962.
- L. MITOSERIU, L. STOLERIU, M. VIVIANI, D. PIAZZA, M. T. BUSCAGLIA, R. CALDERONE, V. BUSCAGLIA, A. STANCU, P. NANNI, C. GALASSI, Influence of stoichiometry on the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of the tunable (Ba,Sr)TiO3 ceramics investigated by First Order Reversal Curves method J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 26 (2006) 2915-2921.
- A.STANCU, L. MITOSERIU, L. STOLERIU, D. PIAZZA, C. GALASSI, D. RICINSCHI, M. OKUYAMA Investigation of the switching characteristics in ferroelectrics by first-order reversal curve diagrams Physica B-Condensed Matter 372 (2006) 226–229
- F. CORDERO, F. CRACIUN, A. FRANCO and C. GALASSI High temperature memory in (Pb/La)(Zr/Ti)O3 as intrinsic of the relaxor state rather than due to defect relaxation Phys. Rev. B 74, 024110-1-8 (2006)
- M.DELUCA , T. SAKASHITA, C. GALASSI, AND G. PEZZOTTI, Investigation of Local Orientation and Stress Analysis of PZT-based Materials using Micro-probe Polarized Raman Spectroscopy, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 26 (2006) 2337-2344.
- M. T. BUSCAGLIA, M. VIVIANI, V. BUSCAGLIA, L. MITOSERIU, A. TESTINO, P. NANNI, Z. ZHE, M. NYGREN, C. HARNAGEA, D. PIAZZA and C. GALASSI High dielectric constant and frozen macroscopic polarization in dense nanocrystalline (30nm) BaTiO3 ceramics Phys. Rev. B 73, 064114 1-10, (2006)
- WO2017122159 (A1) ― 2017-07-20 ENCAPSULATED TRANSDUCER FOR HAPTIC INTERFACES Trasduttore integrabile per applicazioni aptiche INVENTORI: Francesca Sorgini, Renato Caliò, Christian Cipriani, Maria Chiara Carrozza, Calogero Oddo, Carmen Galassi Data di deposito: 13.01.2016